How to use 301 Redirect in windows ?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

To add redirect code, you need to create an index page [eg: index.asp] (your domain should be pointed to that index page)

In that index.asp file you need paste these ASP code.

< %@ Language=VBScript %>
< %
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location","http://www.domaincom/index.php"

Now your index.asp redirect to another domain's index.php.
eg: "Location","http://www.domaincom/index.php"

If it is a UNIX account, you can use .htaccess code or PHP redirect code. You can learn more about the 301 redirect code at: 301 UNIX

How to increase my Internet Speed ?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

*Disable web-browser Add-ons *Run anti-virus, adware, spyware, and malware scans *Run Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter These steps will help you to improve the internet speed of Windows XP 
Step1: Click Start -> Run -> type gpedit.msc Step
2: Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> QOS Packet Scheduler (Double click)-> Limit Reservable Bandwidth (Double click on) . Step
3: Limit Reservable Bandwidth -> ENABLE reservable bandwidth-> set it to 0(ZERO).

404 and 500 error page for seo

Monday, August 1, 2011

If your website could not find the page in the server, then website will get 404 error (page not found). In this case Google will stop crawling your whole website because of broken link . To avoid that, you need to replace this error by creating Custom error page:

You can replace this error page by using .htaccess code.

Codes are:
ErrorDocument 403 error page.html
ErrorDocument 500 error page.html

Create .htaccess file and upload it to root directory.

To create the custom error page, please follow the steps given below:
 1. Create customer error page and upload it to website root eg: error page.html (this 'Custom error page.html' page will replace the error 403 or 500)

Likewise you can create custom error page for other errors.But, you should know the error codes.

Don't redirect your 404 or 500 custom error page to your homepage link(index page) insted of that, create one custom error page and give suggestions on what your reader can do to find the missing page (you can do it, by comment on the custom error page. ex:"Page is removed, please go back to home page)".

What is Bounce back in SEO ?

Bounce back in SEO means, Visitor visit only one page on your website and then he goes to straight off. The main reason for bounce back, visitor did not get the information what exactly they are looking for or your web design is not eye catching.

These are the reasons for bounce back.

1. Visitors did not like your website contents (topics)
 2. Getting wrong traffic through search engine.
 3. Ajax or Flash contents on your website landing pages .

You can find the bounce back percentage in Google Analytics tool.  By reducing bounce back, you can increase your website traffic.

What is Google Panda algorithm ?

You have heard that Google has introduced Panda algorithm now I will explain in simple term, how it will impact to your website? Panda algorithm works against the low quality websites, poorly written contents and content that is copied from the other websites. If you believe your website impacted by this algorithm, then you need to evaluate all the contents on your website and you need to remove low quality contents or copied contents by moving them to different domain or deleting that contents.

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