create virtual keyboard to WordPress blog

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Its easy to create pop-up virtual keyboard in WordPress CMS.

Steps are:
  1. Download plugins at&nbsp pop-up virtual-keyboard
  2. Upload `virtualkeyboard/` to the '/' of your server
  3. Open virtualkeyboard.php in editor, change $keyboard_image = 'your/domain'; to your domain where the image is. Save and Close.
  4. add include('virtualkeyboard.php'); virtualkeyboard_head(); to your header file if applicable, otherwise inside the <head></head> tags will do.
  5. add virtualkeyboard_footer();before the </body> tag
Now browse, the javascript on the client-side takes care of the rest attaching  a keyboard to all text inputs.

Adding Voice mail to Blogger

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Go to

  1. Sign into your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Go to your blog settings.
  3. Click on "Layout".
  4. Add SpeakPipe embded code to field (leave the title blank).
  5. Click "Save".
Screenshots as below:


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